viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012


Como documento introductorio al tema del hacktivismo les dejo el siguiente enlace:

Van a leer ese documento y una vez terminado, van a buscar información no solo sobre la famosa legión anonymus, sino además sobre otros grupos o personas que hayan llevado a cabo acciones hacktivistas.

Es importante que lleven a cabo una lectura consciente de este documento y además que lleven a cabo la búsqueda de información de forma ordenada y exigente ya que tendremos una actividad en la próxima clase en la que se exigirá mucho de ustedes y deberán estar bien informados.

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

Difficult??? Not anymore


Document: In computer science is a computer file that is not an executable file and contains data for use by applications.

Data: Numerical or other information represented in a form suitable for processing by computer.

Exporting: To send (data) from one program to another.

Importing: To receive (data) into one program from another.

Exporting and importing is not complex but is a very useful tool. Before, it was very difficult for example to watch a celphone video in the television, whenever you wanted to do that, it was necessary that you bought a lot of wires an complicated devices which could help you to do the task.

In our days we have this cards that we insert into our computers (sometimes computers have them integrated), and of course they do this jobs without any problem.

As you remember, at the beginning of this class we started talking about internet. WHY? simple, because it was the first time that somebody (Tim Berners-Lee) figured out a way to share information without having limits of format.

However it's an amazing invent, people needed some device that they could use in order to transfer data from from machine to another, for example:

- Showing presentations in the TV made in powerpoint.

- Sharing files from celphones to computers and from the computers to other electronical devices.

For further information I recommend you to visit the post in this blog with the title All is information.

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Documental Nanotecnología

Vea el siguiente documental, las 9 partes.

All is Information

One of the most powerfull resources in the world is information, the one who has the information has the power the say. However, sometimes we don't know anything about this remarkable concept and it's time to dig a little bit in the area.

Today we are going to interact with the concept of document and data, but first of all, let's define some concepts:

Computer Science: The study of complex systems, information and computation using applied mathematics, electrical engineering and software engineering techniques.

Cybernetics: The science that studies the mechanisms of communication andautomatic control of living beings and machines.

· Robotics: A set of studies and techniques to build systems capable of performing motor and intellectual functions in place of man, doing his job purely automatic.

· Computing: A set of scientific knowledge and techniques that enable automatic processing of information by computer.

· Office Automation: Equipment used to generate, store, process or communicate information in an office environment which can generate, transmit and copy manually, electrically or electronically.

· Telematics: Set of technical services and associated telecommunications and computing, offering possibilities for communication and information.

Raw data (sometimes called source data or atomic data) is data that has not been processed for use. A distinction is sometimes made between data and information to the effect that information is the end product of data processing. Raw data that has undergone processing is sometimes referred to as cooked data.

Although raw data has the potential to become "information," it requires selective extraction, organization, and sometimes analysis and formatting for presentation. For example, a point-of-sale terminal (POS terminal) in a busy supermarket collects huge volumes of raw data each day, but that data doesn't yield much information until it is processed. Once processed, the data may indicate the particular items that each customer buys, when they buy them, and at what price. Such information can be further subjected to predictive technology analysis to help the owner plan future marketing campaigns.

As a result of processing, raw data sometimes ends up in a database, which enables the data to become accessible for further processing and analysis in a number of different ways.

Importing data is the process of retrieving data from sources external to Microsoft® SQL Server™ (for example, an ASCII text file) and inserting it into SQL Server tables. Exporting data is the process of extracting data from an instance of SQL Server into some user-specified format (for example, copying the contents of a SQL Server table to a Microsoft Access database).

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

La Nanotecnología en Colombia

Una vez terminadas todas las actividades pendientes, lea el siguiente artículo y téngalo en cuenta para la presentación del viernes.

Recuerde que en la presentación deberá hablar sobre los dos inventos nanotecnológicos teniendo en cuenta:

¿Qué es?
¿Cómo funciona?
¿Para qué sirve?
¿Para qué fue creado?
¿Quién lo invento o desarrollo?
¿En qué etapa se encuentra el proyecto?

martes, 13 de marzo de 2012


Elaboren 10 preguntas con sus respuestas basados en la lectura del siguiente documento:

Luego haga un breve resumen en su cuaderno, máximo dos páginas.

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Exporting and Importing

Read the following document and make a summary in your notebook.